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CentraComm Prepares Defense Industry Supplier For CMMC Certification

Client Overview

Acquisition Logistics Engineering (ALE) is a full service Life Cycle and Specialty Engineering Company specializing in Integrated Logistics Support during the acquisition phase. ALE analyzes equipment being designed for the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security to enhance reliability, maintainability, and safety while reducing maintenance burdens and developing the logistic support capability needed for system success. Working in the government sector requires a variety of certifications for many business areas of the company including Quality Management, Accounting, and Cybersecurity.


For Acquisition Logistics Engineering (ALE), regulatory compliance brought them to CentraComm, a CMMC-AB Registered Provider Organization. In 2017, ALE invested time, effort, and funds to meet the 110 security requirements to be fully NIST SP 800-171compliant. This was a self-certifying requirement to protect systems and networks that process, store, or transmit covered defense information. Although staffed with an IT professional, and after completing a self-certification process, ALE was still faced with the challenge of meeting the next level of cybersecurity requirement presented with the Cybersecurity
Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). For certain levels of CMMC, a third-party risk assessment would be required to obtain CMMC certification, and company self-assessments would no longer be sufficient.


CentraComm performed advisory services including an assessment and gap analysis to assist with DoD mandated CMMC compliance. CentraComm, guided by a CentraComm Registered practitioner, conducted a complete analysis of ALE’s cybersecurity system, which included a third-party assessment of their NIST 800-171processes and a gap analysis of their current NIST-compliant cybersecurity processes compared to CMMC requirements. CentraComm’s comprehensive process examines all aspects of cybersecurity from equipment, software, policy, plans, audits, to execution.


Through their work with CentraComm, ALE received a detailed report which validated their current NIST compliance and highlighted the areas to focus their attention to meet CMMC certification. CentraComm continues to support ALE
in an advisory capacity and as a resource as ALE works to address each area identified in the gap analysis.

CentraComm has been instrumental in our efforts to transition from NIST compliance to CMMC certification. They continue to be a resource as we work to find solutions to address the identified areas.

Renee Coogan, President & Owner, Acquisition Logistics Engineering

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